Major improvements planned for school building first opened in 1956

YOUNGSTOWN, OHIO – Representatives from the Diocese of Youngstown, Cardinal Mooney High School and local government joined Mooney alumni and students in groundbreaking ceremonies this morning that marked the official start of a $5 million renovation project at the school building on Youngstown’s South Side.

The “top-to-bottom” renovations, some of which are already underway, will be completed over a three-year period and will encompass every major component of the building, from roof to floor.

“Working with the architects and the many contractors involved with this project is a big undertaking, but also a very rewarding one,” said P.J. Fecko, Director of Facilities at Mooney. “When we reach the end of this project, I believe our students, parents, faculty and alumni will be amazed and very pleased by the transformation of this building that means so much to us.”

These ambitious new projects were sparked by a generous gift to Cardinal Mooney given last year by two of its distinguished alumni, Denise DeBartolo York and Eddie DeBartolo, Jr. Mrs. DeBartolo York was on hand this morning to participate in the ceremonial groundbreaking.

Other Mooney alumni, inspired by the gifts from the DeBartolo York and DeBartolo families, have also made additional donations targeted to physical improvements. As a result, the coming months will see substantial renovations, including:

  • a complete remodeling of the exterior facing of the building
  • installation of all-new, energy-efficient windows
  • a new roof
  • new tile flooring
  • new reflective ceilings
  • cafeteria renovations
  • a greatly improved HVAC system

“When the renovations are complete, returning students and alumni will experience what is virtually a new building,” said Father Gerald DeLucia, president of Cardinal Mooney. “A school building has a big impact on providing students the best environment for learning. These improvements will help us with our mission of delivering a high-quality Catholic education.”

While the building renovations are important, a significant portion of recent major donations from several alumni is also being used to fund financial aid, so that more students can become part of the Mooney family. 

Registration for the 2015-2016 school year continues, and those interested in applying for financial aid to reduce their tuition costs are encouraged to call Mike Latessa, Vice President at 330-259-0456 or visit

Since 1956, Cardinal Mooney High School has provided a quality Catholic education and prepared students for college, professional success and community service. Alumni, parents and friends all know that at Cardinal Mooney…. Great Futures Start Here.