
Attention Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors! It’s that time to start scheduling your classes for the 2016-2017 school year.  Make sure you and your parents have gone over the courses being offered for next year and that you have marked your required courses and the ones that you are interested in for next year.   Mrs. Raseta and Mr. Latessa will be meeting with all the students this week and next.  Please make sure that you have your forms with you.

Students and parents will also have the ability to input course selections directly into PowerSchool prior to meeting with a counselor. Simply log into your account by clicking here and then select “Class Registration” on the left side of your screen. You will then be able to select your current classes from a screen similar to this:


Please note that this does not replace the meeting with a counselor. Your requests will be finalized after this meeting. This scheduling option will only be made available through March 6, 2016. Please see Mr. Latessa with any questions regarding this option.