Dear Cardinal Mooney Family:

As our understanding of COVID-19 increases along with the spread of the virus itself, new phrases have become commonplace in the worldwide lexicon — “flatten the curve,” “social distancing,” “self-quarantine.” Here at Cardinal Mooney High School, however, there is one newly fashionable phrase that, as educators, we believe is too often being used incorrectly: “abundance of caution.”

The word “abundance” suggests “more than is needed.” We do not feel there is any excess at all to the caution that has prompted the steps Cardinal Mooney, other schools and organizations have taken to protect our families.

Following both the spirit and the letter of the directives we regularly receive from the Diocese of Youngstown and the State of Ohio, as well as the suggestions and ideas so generously shared by all of you, our mission continues to be what it always has been — acting in the spiritual, academic, mental and physical best interests of the students entrusted to our care. Having said that, we are tremendously — if not abundantly — grateful for the patience, help and support you have provided us over these very difficult days.

We are figuring out how to handle evolving situations as they occur, and we acknowledge that we may make false starts and missteps along the way. What is right today may not be right tomorrow. Thank you for your understanding. We promise to be as transparent with you when we don’t have immediate answers to your questions as we are when we do.

While our physical contact with one another is necessarily restricted for a time, our plan is to keep our communication with you as open and fluid as possible through this weekly bulletin and other electronic means now being developed. Along with instruction, we also want to do our best to maintain the fun and enjoyment intrinsic to the high school experience. (Hint: Watch for upcoming videos from our students and teachers.)

Embedded in this issue, you will find a video message from the principal. We are praying each day for the teachers, staff, students, families and friends of Cardinal Mooney High School. Let’s find ways to reach out to each other and keep in touch so no one feels alone. In this issue, we are including a couple resources to help accomplish that goal: a new “coronavirus prayer” and a list of area resources for families in need of specific assistance, including food and other essentials.

On the Advancement side, note the information to follow about our “reimagined” annual Mooney Auction.

Many of us of “a certain age” often lament the negative aspects of new technology. But at this extraordinary time, we thank God for the blessings of technology that help us stay in touch and continue to learn together. School leaders, board members and volunteers, for example, have come to rely on video conferences to interact and discuss matters in “real time.” Students will rely on Google Classroom and other interactive tools as we move into the fourth quarter of this year’s educational journey. Similarly, we encourage you to stay in touch and share your thoughts and concerns with us through emails, texts and calls.

Most of all, please stay safe and happy. God bless you.



Richard Osborne President/CEO
330.788.5007, ext. 176

Mary Anne Beiting, Ed.D. Principal
330.788.5007, ext. 166