Advanced Day of Giving has begun and runs till December 1st. “Giving Tuesday” is Tuesday, December 1st, and all proceeds up till that day go towards this appeal. We are  pleased and grateful that we have an opportunity to double your impact with a generous matching gift up to $25k. So evey dollar recieved will automatically be doubled. The money will go directly to:

Share Your Blessings Appeal

At Mooney our current — and future — students deserve access to affordable, quality Catholic education. Education is the single most important factor in upward mobility … faith-based education is critical to the full development of our students … and that adolescence is the time we develop our moral and ethical bearings. Many members of the Mooney family…both students and families are hurting. The money raised in this appeal will go directly to students and families in need at Cardinal Mooney High School during this difficult time.

While COVID has made these challenging times for all schools K-16, these are also exciting times for Cardinal Mooney. Looking forward will require focus, courage, sacrifices, and hard choices. I hope you will consider Cardinal Mooney for your charitable giving. Gifts of any size make an important difference in our students’ lives.

You may text to give: mfamily to 443-21,

or donate: Cardinal Mooney Giving Page