Submit your coloring page or original Christmas drawing to CMHS by Friday, December 4th.

Prizes will be awarded…….sponsored by the CMHS Art Department!

Click here for the coloring sheets


  1. K-2 (see attached coloring sheet, hand drawn by a CMHS art student)
  2. 3-5 (see attached coloring sheet, hand drawn by a CMHS art student)
  3. 6-8 (draw your own Christmas scene symbolizing “What does Christmas mean to you?”. This should be individualistic, interpretive & symbolic for the artist him/herself. Students should entitle their drawing.)

Submissions must be received by Friday, Dec. 4th

To include Student Name, Grade and School & Parent Contact (cell or email)

  1. Email – Scan or send a photo of the drawing to
  2. Text – Send a snapshot of the drawing to Kim Simons Cox @ 330 518 9723
  3. Mail – Send the student’s drawing to: Cardinal Mooney HS,  2545 Erie St. Youngstown, OH 44507 (Attn: ART DEPARTMENT/Christmas Contest)

Recognition and Prizes

(1st, 2nd & 3rd prize for all grade categories). Art work will be reviewed by our award winning Art Department Chair, Mr. Sean Butler & Mooney AP Art Students.

  • 1st – $20.00 gift card
  • 2nd – $15.00 gift card
  • 3rd – $10.00 gift card
  • During the week of Dec. 7th, winners will be announced.
  • Winners may choose from Dunkin, Chick Fil A, Xbox, Target, Dick’s gift cards
  • All returned artwork will be proudly displayed at CMHS and the winners’ work shared in CMHS regular communications (not disclosing last name of our students).

Please contact Kim Simons Cox (330)518 9723 with questions.

Everyone at Cardinal Mooney wishes you and your family a blessed, happy & healthy Christmas!