It’s time! Send us your favorite recipes for the Mooney Family Cookbook!

This will be a lot of fun and easy! Please use the submission form attached below to provide the following:

  • Your preferred/suggested cookbook category (let us know if the recipe “fits” more than one)
  • Food/recipe title
  • Ingredients
  • Steps / method (including prep time/cook time)
  • Your name & phone number/email
  • Fun Fact (optional):
    • Please share your personal story about this recipe. (Who gave it to you? What does it mean to you?)
    • As a Family, we want to read and share the fond memories that surround our love of food!  
    • Please limit the story to a few sentences. It will accompany your recipe in the book! 
  • Shout outs (optional):
    • Please share your Y- town area “food favorites”.
    • We will create a section in the book that includes your quotes.
    • Examples: What is your local favorite pizza and from where? What appetizer do you order without fail for a local restaurant?  Etc.

Cookbook Sections:

  • Appetizers & Small Plates
  • Main Dishes & Large Plates
  • Tailgating To Remember
  • Holiday Traditions
  • Crockpots, Instapots & Airfryers
  • THE Youngstown Cookie Table and other desserts
  • Celebrating our Diverse Cultures & Heritage
  • Having Fun with Mixology


  • You may email the submission form to Kim Simons Cox at
  • You may print out the form and mail it to CMHS @ 2545 Erie St. Youngstown, OH.  44507 . Please put to the attention of Kim Simons Cox.
    • NOTE: A photocopy of a legible handwritten recipe is acceptable, however, we encourage the use of this submission form for consistency and error avoidance. Thank you!! 
  • You may submit more than one recipe.
  • Please encourage family and friends to participate!
  • All questions should be directed to Kim Simons Cox.
  • Deadline to submit is February 21, 2021.