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Campus Ministry

Aspiring to teach as Jesus did, Cardinal Mooney High School enables its students to develop the faith, character and values that will guide them throughout life. Highlights of the Religious Education Program include:

  • Required religious education courses rooted in Catholic teachings and tradition.
  • Daily prayer.
  • All-school celebration of the Eucharist, Reconciliation and Liturgy of the Hours.
    Programs for community and school service.
  • Values-based education integrated into every aspect of the school.
  • A school atmosphere emphasizing individual responsibility and respect for all.

Music Ministers

The music ministers provide musical leadership and enhance and support student involvement at all liturgical celebrations. The members contribute to the music during Eucharistic Liturgies as well as the Liturgies of the Hours held here at school and at other diocesan functions to which they are invited. Contact Mrs. Tina Hughes for more information.

Ministers of the Eucharist

There are fifteen students who serve as ministers of the Eucharist here at Cardinal Mooney High School. These students have been properly trained and meet the qualifications described in the Diocesan Policy for Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist. These students also have been endorsed by the Bishop of Youngstown to be commissioned for a period of three years.

Ministers of the Eucharist distribute Communion at ten to twelve Masses celebrated each year at Cardinal Mooney. They are also encouraged to serve in this ministry at their individual parishes or in taking Communion to the housebound or nursing homes.

In order to become a Minister of the Eucharist, one must be fully initiated into the Catholic Church and be at least sixteen years old.

Ministers of the Word

The Ministers of the Word are a group of dedicated young people who proclaim scripture at all liturgical celebrations held at Cardinal Mooney.  Students in grades 9-12 are eligible to be a Minister of the Word.  Announcements are made at the beginning of each year inviting students to join this ministry.  Students will be expected to take part in formation classes before they can minister at mass.

Pall Bearers

Each year, senior boys are invited to join the Pall Bearer Ministry.  These young men then serve as pall bearers whenever they are needed.  Funeral Directors in the Youngstown area call on our services anytime a family requests that our students be used.  This is a very important ministry, especially to the elderly who may not have family members to perform this service.

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