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Astronomy Club
The CMHS ASTRONOMY CLUB is a group of very inquisitive students and astronomy aficionados! Our club members are the very proud stewards of an 11″ computerized Celestron highly polished Telescope called “EUROPA.” EUROPA has revealed many interesting objects such as: the SUN (using a Solar Filter), Jupiter, Saturn, the Moon, the Hercules Star Cluster (500,000 – 1 million stars), the Andromeda Galaxy, and even a jet that flew through its field of vision one starry night! Some of our students with their siblings, parents, teachers, and friends have observed the nighttime sky with EUROPA in: Austintown Township Park, Scenic Vista Park in Lisbon, and CMHS. We study and discuss all things related to ASTRONOMY at our meetings: Cosmology and the Big Bang, galaxies, black holes, exoplanets, the variety of stars, our solar system, comets, and Identified Flying Objects (satellites, International Space Station, Chinese Lanterns and Drones, etc). In the winter months some of us have attended the shows at the YSU Planetarium. Please feel free to stop by Room 151 to inquire for upcoming meetings and events. Dr. Richard Mattiussi (Club Adviser).