Dear Cardinal Mooney Family:

Last Monday, it was a blow to hear the Governor announce that school was closed for the rest of the school year. We experienced disappointment and sadness because we would not be able to come together. But, as we have done throughout these weeks, we reached down and found ways to adjust to this new reality and carry on. We began to move forward with plans for how to wrap up the year remotely. In particular, we have been working on ways to celebrate our wonderful seniors. Sadly, we are precluded from having in-person celebrations for prom, awards day, Baccalaureate Mass, graduation, and other related events. The traditions of Mooney are rich and deeply engrained in the community, and we seek to keep their spirit alive even though events will be conducted virtually to keep everyone safe during the pandemic. The spirit of Mooney lives in the relationships we maintain. While we are separated by distance, our hearts remain united, and we will find ways to celebrate that spirit.

Many of you have been sharing ideas for virtual ways to mark these occasions, and each one is being considered very carefully. In addition, Ohio’s Superintendent of Public Instruction published directives for schools to follow that mirrored ones the Diocese had been working on with principals. To keep everyone healthy, all school programs are to be virtual events held on their originally scheduled dates so that social distancing can be maintained. Seniors, there is a special letter for you included in this bulletin that will bring you up-to-date on what we know so far. While all of this is still being sorted out, we can assure you that in the coming weeks the community will be made well aware of Cardinal Mooney’s salutes to our seniors. (Hint: Watch both social and broadcast media.)

The Auction on Saturday night was a wonderful expression of how the Mooney Family pulls together to have fun and support the needs of the high school in a new way. Many thanks to Sue Brandenstein and her committee for the creativity and hard work that made our virtual auction a night to remember.

May God bless each of us and give us strength as we navigate the extraordinary difficulties brought about by the global crisis we are enduring together.

God bless you.



Richard Osborne President/CEO
330.788.5007, ext. 176

Mary Anne Beiting, Ed.D. Principal
330.788.5007, ext. 166


Click here to download our full April 27th, 2020 bulletin (PDF Format)