Dear Cardinal Mooney Family:

Those of us of a “certain age” recall the days when it was a major family event if a “long-distance” telephone call was received from Grandpa in Florida or Uncle Jim in faraway Michigan. Our parents told us to be brief and to-the-point because “this is costing him a fortune” as the minutes clicked away on the (rotary-dial) phone.

Only on the Twilight Zone could it be imagined that one day we would be in touch on a regular basis — in words and in pictures! — with anyone, anywhere for as long as we wished without mortgaging the house. And thoughts of “long-distance learning” (LDL) were as far away as notions like “social distancing” and “sheltering in place.”

Needless to say, we’ve come a very long way.

For the first time in our history, Cardinal Mooney held a “virtual prom” — or, as the students dubbed it, a “morp” — this past week, and it was fun for all involved. Not as much fun as the traditional celebration, of course, but fun nevertheless. And on May 24, we will do the best we can to celebrate our 2020 graduates in a “live on tape” commencement ceremony that we will share together.

A great deal of planning and effort goes into such efforts, and we are enormously grateful to the faculty, administrators, parents, students and volunteers who have worked tirelessly to make these things happen. God bless each and every one of you.

Meanwhile, classes continue to take place in new and inventive ways so that the essential mission of our school — preparing students for the future — is maintained.

In the past several weeks, we have checked in with you often, asking how you are doing. Now we invite you to tell us how we are doing. In the next few days, parents and students should watch their email for a brief survey to determine what is working well and where we need to improve in this new approach to education. We are asking these questions mindful of the fact that even when the pandemic ends, LDL will continue to play a role in the “new normal.” Help us make it as good as it can be.

Thank you for your patience and guidance as we explore this new world as we have always done at Cardinal Mooney High School — in a collaborative spirit of faith, family and love.



Richard Osborne President/CEO
330.788.5007, ext. 176

Mary Anne Beiting, Ed.D. Principal
330.788.5007, ext. 166


Click here to download our full May 4th, 2020 bulletin (PDF Format)