Early stages of new year cause for reflection on Mooney’s past, present, and future

Dear Family and Friends, Lost Wednesday we hosted the Class of ’25 family picnic for over 100 people supported by Link Crew, our generous volunteers, and faculty and staff. As guests arrived I become more excited to start this academic year. Throughout the night new friends were mode, old friends reconnected, and the Mooney family welcomed Its newest members. I was both proud of and admired how comfortably our Link Crew members moved about our new students and families. They ore great ambassadors and role models. Being around them and our athletic programs, this month hos turned me Into o cheerleader (no need for concern ladles, come Friday night I’ll rely on you to cheer on the cardinals.) One week out and I’m cheering for:

  • The new school year.
  • Our new campus chaplain.
  • Welcoming dally new families.
  • Two new Merit Scholars
  • Our new talented faculty and counseling members.
  • Continuing to protect each other, our family members, and our community at large.

The presence of COVID, losses in teaching and learning over the post year for too many students, economic and cultural challenges throughout society, however, make this upcoming school year a serious moment that demands more than pom-poms and cheers.

Tomorrow Mooney faculty and staff will gather and welcome keynote speaker Dr. James Knight (from St. Edward High School In Lakewood). His address is on “Cultural Humility”, a gospel-based approach to coring for our students and each other. Tomorrow kicks off the new academic year, yet In truth our faculty and staff hove been working non- stop since we concluded lost school year.

(Read the full article in our bulletin below.)


Click here to download our full August 15, 2021 bulletin (PDF Format)