From The President’s Desk

Dr. Beiting’s commitment, Open House light the way to next year and beyond

Dear Parents and Guardians,

It is with gratitude that I inform you Dr. Mary Anne Beiting has accepted my offer to extend her relationship with Cardinal Mooney through the 2021-22 academic year. Her personal conduct, proven professional competence, and qualities of leadership have done much to further the successful execution of Cardinal Mooney’s mission. It is hardly necessary for me to tell you how greatly her capabilities and experience are needed now and the year ahead.

Please join me in thanking her for her continued support of our students and school.

Please look for the survey we sent out Thursday. I ask that you take a few minutes to fill it out. Your input helps us to provide better customer service. Please return your anonymous responses by January 22.

We have begun planning for the 2021–22 academic school year. A lot goes into setting a budget that is based on enrollment: determining staffing levels, collecting feedback from students on the classes they want and need, and setting a calendar.

We encourage you to spread the word about our upcoming Open House on Sunday, February 7, 1-3 p.m. Our current families are our best marketing tool. Please read the word, and let them know they can reserve a spot here. 

Over the past several years we have heard from you that you want a seamless start for your children and simpler processes. I believe our response this past fall moved us in the right direction, yet we can and will do more to ensure our students can start fast. Here’s why that’s important.

Did you know that 100% of a student’s GPA is earned in the first semester of their freshman year? With each passing semester, the percent earned decreases by 12.5%, so by the second semester of senior year, only 12.5% of a student’s GPA is earned.

A fast start without interruption, scheduling changes, etc. benefits the long-term success of each student. Our goal is to have our students registered and the master schedule well underway by the end of the school year.

Here’s how you can help us.

From Feb.1 through March 1, we will be re-enrolling our current students in grades nine through 11 with no re-enrollment fee. We will extend office hours to accommodate you, answer questions, help with submitting forms, and registering in FACTS, etc. The Tuition Agreement form can be found here.

Re-enrolling during this timeframe will greatly improve our ability to begin collecting student input for classes, and constructing the master schedule.  Since the students in grades nine through 11 represent three quarters of our population, imagine how much further along Mooney can be in scheduling if we have 75% of the student body re-enrolled by March 31 (We understand family circumstances may change, still we ask that each of you re-enroll).

Re-enrollment packets consisting of the tuition agreement form, information on how to register in FACTS and course selection sheet will be sent to our current families by January 29, 2021.

The tuition agreement form, registration in FACTS, and course selection sheet signed by a parent or guardian must be completed by March 1, 2021. After March 1, a non-refundable $100 administrative fee will be charged to re-enroll.

For transfer students and incoming freshmen our registration time frame is Feb. 20 through March 31.

Our budget and staffing levels are determined by the total number of students enrolled at Mooney. Your commitment helps us to be a more efficient and effective institution.

Mooney and its faculty operate under a Collective Bargaining Agreement. That agreement requires us to make staffing decisions by the middle of April. Re-enrolling by March helps us to staff appropriately.

Our Board of Directors have frozen tuition at $8,700.00 and the Student Life Fee at $300.00 for next school year. They remain committed to providing affordable and thus accessible quality Catholic education to our families. Your $9,000.00 investment (a short-term expense for a life-time return) remains less than our actual cost to educate by approximately $2,200.00. We are grateful to our many alumni, benefactors, and friends who support our mission and partner with us in keeping Mooney accessible.

Our Board of Directors voted to support a couple of policy changes that go into effect for next school year.

  1. Mooney will require families to enroll in FACTS (our tuition management system) to pay tuition and to be eligible for Diocesan and Cardinal Mooney Scholarships.  Families that pay in full by July 15, 2021 do not need to register to make payments through FACTS. The purpose of this policy is to provide Cardinal Mooney with consistent revenue from tuition throughout the school year and thus  help us to be good stewards who pay our obligations in a timely manner.
  2. Families must reapply annually for financial aid and scholarships through FACTS.  Those families receiving EdChoice must renew their EdChoice grant each year. Families who are eligible for EdChoice must apply for those scholarships before applying for financial aid at Cardinal Mooney.  The diocese Cushwa- Wolsonovich scholarship is based on financial need and for families who do not qualify for EdChoice.  This scholarship is determined through FACTS grants and aid.


Cardinal Mooney and its donors grant approximately $2,200 a year to each student. Additional funds are awarded annually to Mooney families through the State of Ohio’s EdChoice programs.

Because requests for assistance exceed the amount available ($600,000) it is necessary to establish policies and procedures for distributing tuition assistance grants to ensure consistency and fairness. Once a family has registered in FACTS, they may request a scholarship application.  

Although each application is reviewed on a case-by-case basis and consideration is given to any special family circumstances, awards are mainly determined based on family need due to financial resources. 

The Diocese provides subsidies for parishioners of our Catholic churches. If you are an active parishioner, please let us know your parish and we will verify with them eligibility for the $1,000.00 parish discount.

We look forward to collaborating with you through these registration processes so we can continue to help our students grow to be all that God calls them to be. How exciting it is to build that future!


Click here to download our full January 17, 2021 bulletin (PDF Format)