From The President’s Desk

Strength arose from our challenges, and that will power us into 2021

Dear Parents,

Happy New Year.

We welcome the new year with news that Governor Mike DeWine is relaxing quarantine guidelines, vaccines for COVID have arrived in Ohio, and our students are returning tomorrow.

I am grateful to our students and graduates who were present in the lives of those families who lost a loved one. Please keep these families in your prayers and thoughts.

Those who supported our Christmas Families also deserve a great amount of gratitude. Your generosity provided hope, and is a model of our faith.

C.S. Lewis wrote about faith and purpose in an uncertain world, similar to the one we live in today. In one essay he counseled us that “…if danger finds us, let it find us doing sensible and human things — praying, working, teaching, chatting to our friends … not huddled together like frightened sheep.” And so, we did each day, all day during last semester and over the holiday season.

Let us continue to be vigilant throughout the coming months and to use technology to unite us as needed.  The important thing is to keep moving forward — to avoid isolation and the depression and anxiety that it can provoke. Checking in on family and friends not only makes them feel better but also serves our own mental health. Keeping to our routines as closely as possible is also important, and with that we are looking forward to greeting our students bright and early tomorrow morning.

There will be new challenges in the coming year, yet we remain committed to teaching and learning in-person while addressing those challenges as they come.

Reflecting on how quickly our scientific community — working together around the globe — produced multiple vaccines reminded me that the story of human progress is inextricably bound to education.  But not all education leads to lives of purpose.

With every introduction to alumni, our community, and beyond, I see that Cardinal Mooney is advancing the common good. It has led the way toward opportunity for all. In its reciprocal relationships with our community, it solves local problems and prepares students for real-world challenges. And those students, dating back to 1956, continue to live lives of purpose.

To our students: As you finish your first semester coursework, keep ever present in your mind that at a time when people question the worth of Catholic education, society needs your unique contributions more than ever. Study and finish strong. Together we have accomplished more than 60% of the schools in Ohio by being in-person. Together — God willing —  we will finish the year in-person and graduate the Class of 2021.

Parents: Thank you for your support throughout the first semester.  There is no doubt in my mind that without your encouragement, we would not have succeeded in opening school. Together, we will continue to ensure that Cardinal Mooney remains in-person for teaching and learning.

In the coming days, I plan on sending a short questionnaire out to you.  Please look for it in your email. 

Faculty and staff: Nothing about 2020 was easy. Yet what motivated me is the commitment that you demonstrated to our students, our school, and community. I’m grateful to work alongside colleagues who are driven by a sense of purpose. Together we will continue working toward the common goal of in-person teaching and learning.

Happy New Year


Click here to download our full January 3, 2021 bulletin (PDF Format)