Dear Parents, alumni, friends,

By all measures it appears we’re coming out of a year long response to COVIO. Though the virus will be with us for years to come, we’re learning every day how to manage its presence in our lives.

Here in Ohio, we have been blessed with the strong support of our leaders to open schools, participate in sports, and to return to some normalcy. Our own approach to these challenging times has been to open, to manage COVID within the school year, and to gradually increase the number and kinds of typical high school events our students can participate in.

Here I give credit to our Board of Directors, which is guiding us with the very affirmative intention of using this moment to increase our competitive advantage in the area. To assert this kind of leadership, we must stay attentive, be aggressive, and continue to focus on the reinvention of Cardinal Mooney High School.

Cardinal Mooney exists to improve lives, enrich our community, to sustain democracy, to form and educate an increasing number of students within the context of our Catholic worldview. Reflecting on and recommitting to those core purposes has never been more critical. By its own example, we can see that our founding history is neither marble statuary nor bronze plaque, but rather a living legacy that endures precisely because it adapts.

The renovation of the Armory is the embodiment of the kind of dynamic community we are developing here. It pays homage to our great traditions and our proud history without being bound by them. It is becoming a place for alumni engagement. It will unify Mooney men and women student athletes into ONE TEAM. It will serve as a marketing arm for the school; and provide a place for athletes to thrive and prosper.

Growth, development, and progress are all around us. Not only in our physical structures, but also in the richness of the intellectual life we’re pursuing, and the depth of our partnerships in which we are engaging. I will speak to each in turn.

It is the nature of the human spirit to always seek progress. And our history’s larger message is that we must take nothing for granted. We cannot allow ourselves to be lulled into complacency, and so our principal, Dr. Mary Anne Beiting, continues to lead our academic programming toward a 21st. century model centered on student learning, achievement, and performance. She is very deliberately reconfiguring how we use our block schedule to fully integrate learning and leadership for all.

The 21st century school relies on partnerships. As a part of an educational ecosystem that is Klife, Mooney must see to it that it engages across this ecosystem that includes grade schools, colleges and universities, business and industry, and our Church to better prepare its students for global leadership.

In all our partnerships, our vision of the possible is expanded. A single-lens approach is necessarily myopic. Widening the aperture through collaboration enables us and our students to see what exists beyond the narrow periphery.

This Thursday we are hosting a tour of the Armory from 7 until 8 p.m. Please join us.

To our seniors: We continue to plan for your spring events concluding in Commencement. Continue to work hard and play hard in your spring seasons.

Congratulations to our men’s basketball team on your successful season.


– Cardinal Mooney President, Tom Maj


Click here to download our full March 14, 2021 bulletin (PDF Format)