A message about Career Exploration Day from Holly Marshall:

My name is Holly Marshall, and I am one of the school counselors here at Cardinal Mooney High School with Mrs. O’Neill. I have been working with the CMHS Career Exploration Day Committee to put together a Career Exploration Activity. While we would love to have an in-person event, due to Covid-19, this event will not be able to take place in person. We have come up with the idea of having professionals like you create a video to be shared with current and potentially future students. One of the benefits of this is we will be able to reach many students throughout years to come. We are asking professionals in multiple industries to send us a short video addressing the following:Introduce yourself with your job title /position / place of employment

If you are an alum, please include your class year in intro.

Explain your work and give examples of what you do and how you got to your profession

Share educational requirements and skills needed for a career in your field

Explain how your work relates to classes our students may be taking

Share advice for students who are interested in a career in your field

Share any insights/ideas you may have into the future of your field

This video may be recorded on a laptop, camera, or phone, and can be in any style you feel most comfortable with, (interview-style, day in the life style, or any way you feel most comfortable). If you would like to include any pictures, feel free to send those to me as well. If you should need help recording a video, or anything to that effect, please let me know. Again, please feel free to make this video as creative as you wish. If possible, we would like each video to be between 5 and 10 minutes in length. These videos will be used for academic purposes only, and to spark discussion within the group of interest, and will not be shared on any platforms outside of Cardinal Mooney classrooms.If you are willing to participate, please respond to this email and let me know. I am asking to have the video by Friday, March 26. Please let me know either way if you are able to send me a video for this event. I would like to thank you in advance for your consideration in participating in this project for our students, and if you have any questions, please feel free to call me at any time!