First-ever Cardinal Mooney Color Run set

First-ever Cardinal Mooney Color Run set

YOUNGSTOWN — Cardinal Mooney’s cross country team is thrilled to announce its inaugural Color Run, set to take place on June 8, 2024. This fun, family-oriented walk/run will commence at Casesse’s MVR at 10 a.m. and progress through Youngstown State University....
Beakon film review: Ghostbusters — Frozen Empire

Beakon film review: Ghostbusters — Frozen Empire

By GIANNA D’ALESANDROBeakon Staff Writer I thoroughly enjoyed Ghostbusters: Afterlife. The way the character of Egon was written after the death of actor Harold Ramis tied the film together. His computer-generated design was handled artistically and with great...
Staff shares best films of 2023

Staff shares best films of 2023

Gianna D’Alesandro: Spider-Man – Into The Spider-VerseMy favorite movie that has come out during 2023 has to be Spider-Aan Across The Spider-Verse. The animation took them five years to put all together and all the different art styles that they incorporated...
Oppenheimer, Barbie look for Oscar gold

Oppenheimer, Barbie look for Oscar gold

By GIANNA D’ALESANDROBeakon Staff Writer The Oscars is one of the most viewed award ceremonies in the U.S. The Academy Awards can examine the most popular movies that have done well in the box office or just received positive reviews. The five main categories in...