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Home & School Parent Association
Welcome Parents and Guardians!
The Cardinal Mooney Home and School Parent Association (HASPA) promotes volunteerism, service and leadership for Cardinal Mooney High School and facilitates communication within the school community. Currently HASPA sponsors the following important events and activities:
- Freshman Parent and “Meet the Teacher” Night
- Refreshments at Quarterly Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Christmas Tree Lighting
- Cardinal Mooney Open House
- Academic Banquet for Junior and Senior Student Scholars
- Senior Breakfast Reception for Senior Students and their Families
- Other Special Events and Projects deemed worthwhile by CMHS Administration and Parents
The Cardinal Mooney Home and School Parent Association is not a fundraising entity and depends on your support to help fund its events and activities. The requested family contribution is $20. Checks can be made payable to “Cardinal Mooney Home and School Parent Association.” Please complete and detach the form linked below and return it with your contribution in an envelope marked “HASPA” to the school office, the Cardinal’s Nest, any HASPA sponsored event, or directly to a HASPA volunteer