Our administration and faculty are extremely proud of our students for their outstanding academic achievements which have placed them on the Honor Roll this past grading period.
Congratulations and keep up the good work!
- Allen, Kewon
- Bogan, Mitchell
- Bowman, Marissa
- Brenner, Jeffrey
- Choi, Wooseong
- D’Alesio, Antonio
- Dambrogio, Patrick
- DeGenova, Dante
- DelSignore, Alec
- DeSantis, Natalie
- Edmonds, Darell
- Enright, Courtney
- Ferencak, Bronson
- Fire, Maria
- Frangos, Yianniko
- Graziano, Sophia
- Hardy, Robert
- Harris, Jalena
- Howard, Michael
- Jung, Kun
- Kang, Jiwoon
- Marantis, George
- McGlone, Maggie
- Miller, Todd
- Owens, Sarah
- Park, Chaerin
- Patrone, Daniella
- Philibin, Christopher
- Radinsky, Nolan
- Reardon, Timothy
- Richey, Thomas
- Schaller, Sarah
- Sdregas, Sophia
- Sfara, Joseph
- Skretta-Pelini, Elsa
- Stewart, Trey
- Sweeney, Cameron
- Tsarnas, Sylvia
- Tsikoris, Nicolette
- Varley, William
- Zeno, Joseph
- Attia, Mohammed
- Barnes, Emoni
- Berger, Shayla
- Blohm, Lenci
- Campbell, James
- Colella, Vito
- Colosimo, Christian
- Desmond, John
- DiVencenzo, Michael
- Driscoll, Edward
- Fecko, Alexa
- Femia, Natalie
- Fernandez Sanchez, Alexandra
- Francis, Alaina
- Hayes, Tyler
- Hergenrother, Mick
- Hughes, Jenna
- Johnson, Elise
- Joseph-Robinson, Brayden
- Lee, Chaehui
- Lee, Yunkeon (Justin)
- Litman, Cole
- Maruca, Christina
- McAleer, Giana
- Nickell, Dalton
- Pecchia, Drew
- Phillips, Jack
- Rapp, Alyssa
- Raymer, Grace
- Reali, Savanna
- Rotunno, Angelina
- Scavina, Alaina
- Thomas, Isabella
- Tofil, Mitchell
- Torma, Keelee
- Trimble, Madalynn
- VanSuch, Savanna
- Whatley, Leonda
- Yang, Junwoo
- Amill, Tarren
- Angeloff, Thomas
- Avery, Mackenzie
- Baker, Maureen
- Bernard, Jayne
- Carfolo, Olivia
- Chahine, Gabriella
- Chandler, Leanne
- Creighton, Taylor
- Dambrogio, Christopher
- Daprile, Annalise
- Diorio, Gia
- DiVincenzo, Gia
- Douthitt, Tiffany
- Durkin, Justin
- Falter, Timothy
- Farina, Carl
- Fire, Thomas
- Francis, Ian
- Gatesman, Liam
- Graziano, Lucy
- Hammond, Madison
- Hewlett, Kerri
- Hiner, Steven
- Holden, Samantha
- Hough, Kaitlin
- Hughes, Anna
- Kiraly, Michael
- Koby, Colleen
- Kovacs, Natalie
- Little, Cherish
- Mershimer, Chloe
- Nam, Youngsun
- Nguyen, Duyen Hoang, My
- Pastella, Michael
- Pavlock, Paige
- Pecchia, Anthony
- Pelini, Caralyn
- Pelini, Michael
- Philibin, Brian
- Procick, Gavin
- Richey, Madison
- Sheehan, Jordan
- Skretta, Willem
- Spirko, Nicholas
- Szalay, Ava
- Tolson, Tatiana
- Vargo, Erik
- Velasquez, Michael
- Weingart, Alexandrina
- Wollet, Anna
- Womer, Matthew
- Aiad-Toss, Nicolina
- Alfano, Olivia
- Angiolelli, Ashley
- Armile, Andrew
- Armile, Elise
- Armile, Mark
- Armstrong, Sydni
- Bassil, Lugina
- Bell, Keara
- Beato, Isabella
- Boykin, Dynasti
- Bray, Saveionna
- Brennan, Matthew
- Brown, Daysia
- Choi, Hannah
- Clark, Treasure Lea
- Clegg, Cody
- Crouthers, William
- D’Alesio, Dino Mario
- DeSantis, Olivia
- Diaz, Alexis
- Dill, Kyianna
- Driscoll, Anne
- Enright, Katherine
- Farragher, Mariah
- Femia, Ashley
- Filisky, Madalyn
- Francis, Carley
- Frommelt, Kyle
- Gasior, Novely
- Gentile, Louis
- Glenellen, Andrew
- Gong, Kevin
- Graham, Michael
- Harley, Marie
- Houser, Jasmine
- Huda, Skyler
- Hwang, Soonbee
- Jadue, Nicholas
- Joss, Aaron
- Kenner, Jason
- Kish, Kennedy
- Knotten, Andrew
- Kordupel, Joseph
- Leonard, Sarah
- Lindstrom, Stephen
- Masternick, Alyssa
- McGlone, John
- Mitchell, LaTeese
- Mondora, Gina
- Moore, Gloria
- Mosca, Alexa
- Musleh, Raneen
- Neider, Joseph
- Ogden, Grace
- Patrone, Alexandria
- Peakes, Shirleyah
- Pecchia, Marissa
- Pecchia, Noah
- Perry, Caitlin
- Petty, Magen
- Philibin, Andrew
- Proia, Angela
- Ricciardi, Gina
- Richardson, Paul
- Rodriguez, Santino
- Rotunno, Nicole
- Rowe, Civon
- Rushen, Colin
- Santisi, Michael
- Sapp, Caitlyn
- Saunders, Zachary
- Snyder, Anthony
- Thomas, Shanice
- Stevens, Connor
- Stokes, Nyla
- Sweeney, Walter
- Telega, Alisa
- Torres, Benjamin
- VanSuch, Stephen
- Vennetti, Elizabeth
- Weeden, Keasia
- Wilkins, Kathleyna
- Williams, Maeghan