March for Life: Attention all students who are attending the March for Life- you need to turn your forms in ASAP to Dr. Mattussi in room 151.  Remember that if the forms are not turned in, you will not be permitted to attend the March for Life.

Sci-Fi Club: You will be meeting this Thursday after school in the library.  Come ready to discuss your favorite video game.

Sadie Hawkins Dance: This Friday November 20th from 7:30-10:30 will be the Sadie Hawkins Dance.  Tickets will be sold up until Friday at C Lunch.  Tickets are $10/single $20/couple.  Don’t miss out on a great dance! Get your flannels or your group shirts ready! We will have donuts, cider and pizza!!!

Volunteer Opportunities: Juniors and Seniors: sign up in room 113 to help deliver the food baskets for Thanksgiving.  Monday Nov. 23 after school, we will be sorting and packing the food.  Please come out and help!  Sign up in room 113 or call the school to donate a turkey for Thanksgiving.    This week we need help for “St. Charles Community Meal” on Thursday.  Sign up in room 113.